
Attachments — frequently asked questions
Can I view file attachments on my device?
How do I view password-protected file attachments?
Can I set the amount of memory that my device uses
for file attachments?
How do I change how file attachments are displayed?
How do I view cell contents in spreadsheet
Why can’t I view presentation slides?
Why is “More available” appearing at the end of my
file attachment?
How do I search for text in a file attachment?
What does skipped content mean?
Can I view tracked changes in document
Why do some characters not appear correctly on my
Can I view file attachments on my
Yes, if attachment viewing is enabled for your
BlackBerry® device. When you receive a message with
an attachment, click the trackwheel. If Open
Attachment appears in the menu, you can view
attachments on your device. If Open Attachment does
not appear in the menu, your device might not be
enabled for attachment viewing.
To view document and spreadsheet attachments, your
device must be integrated with an account that uses
BlackBerry Enterprise Server™ version 3.6 or later for
Microsoft® Exchange, BlackBerry Enterprise Server
version 2.2 or later for IBM® Lotus® Domino®,
BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 4.0 or later for
Novell® GroupWise®, or the BlackBerry Internet
To view .zip, .htm, or .html attachments, your device
must be integrated with an account that uses
BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 3.6 Service Pack 1
or later for Microsoft Exchange, BlackBerry Enterprise
Server version 2.2 Service Pack 1 or later for IBM Lotus
Domino, BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 4.0 or
later for Novell GroupWise, or the BlackBerry Internet
To view image attachments, your device must be
integrated with an account that uses BlackBerry
Enterprise Server version 4.0 or later or the BlackBerry
Internet Service.
Contact your system administrator or service provider
for more information.
How do I view password-protected
file attachments?
You can only view password-protected .pdf files. If you
receive a .pdf file that is password-protected, you must
type the password to view the file. On the attachment
screen, click the file name. Click Password. Type the
password. Click the trackwheel.