Enhanced interface to the World Wide Web (WWW) adds support for
3270-based transactions.
The CICS Gateway for Java has been ported for execution on OS/390 as an
OpenEdition (R) application with CICS TS as the CICS server in a two-tier
REXX for CICS (Development and Runtime) added as two new elements of
Support for S/390 (R) Parallel Sysplex extended with a new system
management facility for defining and installing CICS resources across
multiple CICS occurrences that are managed by the CICSPlex SM function on
S/390 systems.
New DB2 resource definitions with resource definition online (RDO) as
alternative to resource control table (RCT) definitions allowing 7 day, 24 hour
Added client/server capability, with support for client partner LU6.2
applications across a TCP/IP network.
Key Prerequisites
OS/390 or MVS/ESA SP Version 5.2 or later
Either OS/390 Version 2 Release 4 DASD-only logging for single-system
sysplex or a coupling facility for Parallel Sysplex
6.1.2 Essential Supplemental Reading and Migration Support Material
One of the critical components to a successful migration is access to all required
manuals. Therefore, you are advised to order all CICS Transaction Server for
OS/390 1.2 manuals as soon as possible.
For the latest information on what manuals are available with CICS, you should
review the
Planning for Installation
, GC33-1789 and
Release Guide for CICS
Transaction Server
, GC33-1570.
Pre-CICS for VSE/ESA subsystems migrating to CICS Transaction Server for
OS/390 must read prior CICS/VSE Release Guides for possible migration task(s)
that may not be addressed otherwise. CICS/VSE 2.3 customers should review the
CICS/ESA Migration Guide 3.1, CICS/ESA Migration Guide 3.2, CICS/ESA 3.3
Release Guide, CICS/ESA Migration Guide 4.1, and
CICS Transaction Server
Migration Guide
, GC33-1571. Also, your IBM service provider can access the
CA1B SupportPac package on the Hursley TXPPACS disk. This package is a
CICS/MVS 2.1.2 to CICS/ESA 4.1 migration cookbook, which should give you a
perspective of changes to CICS/ESA for MVS users, plus CICS/VSE differences.
For example: An installation migrating from CICS/DOS/VS 1.6 should read the
CICS/VSE Release Guides for 1.7, 2.1, 2.2, CICS/ESA Migration Guides 3.1, 3.2,
CICS/ESA 3.3 Release Guide, CICS/ESA Migration Guide 4.1, and
Transaction Server Migration Guide
, GC33-1571.
Note: IBM facilitates access to IBM manuals via the INTERNET. Using the
INTERNET location:′http://www.ibm.com/′, you can access IBM′s BookServer,
your electronic library of books on the World Wide Web.
BookServer allows you to easily manage and display electronic books grouped
into catalog collections and bookshelves. BookManager′s high-performance,
morphological searching capabilities let you search books and entire
bookshelves for the information you need.
134 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook