Command Sets for Command Line Interface
Hash table size per interface: 128 (512 bytes)
Total: 512 bytes
Fragment table size per interface: 32 (640 bytes)
Total: 640 bytes
Max queued buffers: 16
Fragment timeout: 30
Support for incoming fragments: enabled
Support for outgoing fragments: enabled
Session timeouts:
ICMP query: 10
UDP: 30
TCP (established): 300
TCP (other): 15
Initial port number: 10000
5. nat protocol
nat protocols
The nat protocols command lists the application level gateways
(ALGs) provided in the current image in order to support particular
higher-level protocols, and the port or ports, which each ALG
> nat protocols
Name Port/IP protocol
ftp 21/tcp
6. nat sessions
nat sessions <i/f> [all | summary]
The nat sessions command displays a list of currently active NAT
sessions on the interface <i/f>. In this context, a session is a pair of
source IP addresses and port numbers (and corresponding new port
number) that NAT regards as one side of an active connection. For
each TCP or UDP session active, the source and destination IP
address and port number, and the local port number and the age of
the session, are printed.
The all option causes the sessions command to print out
information on every session, including sessions, which have timed
out. Normally the sessions command only shows active sessions
(those which have not timed out). The summary command does not