Chapter 3 - FTP Commands List of Commands
FTP Adapter Reference Guide
By default, the adapter first tries to connect using passive mode; see the Passive
Mode adapter command (
-PV). If the adapter is unsuccessful, it uses port mode.
During a port mode connection, the adapter listens for the connection and dictates
where the server is to connect.
Private Key (-PKEY)
The Private Key adapter command (-PKEY) specifies the file containing the client
private key (if used).
-PKEY filename
Option Description
Specify the file containing the client private key.
Private Key Password (-KPASS)
Use the Private Key Password adapter command (-KPASS) to specify the
password for the client private key (if password protected).
-KPASS password
Option Description
Specify the password for the client private key.
Quantity (-QTY)
Use the Quantity command (-QTY) to capture the number of files to be retrieved
by the adapter.
If you are running in burst mode, each burst may return less than –
messages, but the total number of messages returned by the adapter will not
exceed the value specified by the
–QTY command.
If not specified, the default quantity is the FetchUnit size of the burst.
-QTY number