SW Licenses
SW Licenses SW Licenses
SW Licenses
Activating a processor does not change the software tier for Model 825, 870, or 890.
Many partners use the Processor Feature Code value available on the server to set SW licensing fees for software
developers software. This value continues to be available for all iSeries servers. It is important to understand that
this value does not change, no matter how many standby processors get permanently or temporarily activated. The
Processor Feature Code value (QPRCFEAT) can be displayed using the command WRKSYSVAL or retrieved using
the RTVSYSVAL command.
Software providers that charge SW licensing fees (ie. Operating Systems, middleware, applications, etc.) on a per
processor basis, have historically utilized a "soft" compliance approach. With each permanent or temporary
processor activation, it remains the customer's responsibility to inform and pay the required SW licensing fees
associated with software that will be used on the activated processor(s).
Point1: When a permanent processor activation (POD Activation Feature) is ordered, any required
charges for IBM software (licensed by processor), is automatically initiated via IBM configurator
Point2: When a temporary processor activation is requested on the server, any required
charges for IBM software (licensed by processor), is the sole responsibility of the customer ... with
the exception of OS/400 ... there are no additional OS/400 licensing charges associated
with a temporary processor activation
The MATMATR Option OXO1F4 can be used to determine what capacity is active at any moment in time.
Permanent: Check the field at offset 0x38, to determine how many processors have
been permanently activated (this field represents the quantity of permanently
activated processors at any point in time)
Temporary: Check the field at offset 0x47, to determine how many processors have been temporarily
activated (this field represents the quantity of temporarily activated processors
at any point in time)