Logical Partitions
Assign Processors
Starting with V5R1, every server has a primary partition (whether or not a customer is actively using logical
partitions). As a result, it is necessary to assign any activated processors to the primary (or a secondary) partition to
utilize the processors.
STEP1: Standby processors must be activated
to become available to the server
STEP2: Activated processors must be assigned
to a partition.
If your server is logically partitioned, refer to your logical partition plan and assign the newly activated
processors accordingly.
If your server is not
logically partitioned, perform the following steps (Service tools authority is required
with operator authority to system partitions).
A) Start the Work with system partitions option in DST or SST
B) Enter Option 3 (Work with partition configuration)
C) Enter Option 2 (Change partition processing resources) next to PRIMARY
D) Enter a value for "New number of processors" (The value should represent TOTAL
active processors) ... press Enter
Note: If a configuration error is signaled at the bottom of the screen,
refer to LPAR trouble shooting article at
E) Press Enter to confirm the change
5250 OLTP Capacity
5250 OLTP capacity is allocated across partitions by specifying a percentage of the overall available capacity.
The methodology to allocate 5250 OLTP capacity to an LPAR partition works the same on all models, whether or
not the models have standby processors or not.
For servers with Interactive Features, you can allocate a percentage of the Interactive Feature capacity
to be made available for 5250 OLTP processing
For servers with Enterprise Editions, you can allocate a percentage of the active processor capacity
to be made available for 5250 OLTP processing
For servers with Standard Editions, there is zero 5250 OLTP processing capacity to allocate
(Single Job Exception: Up to 100% of the active processor capacity is automatically available to any
partition with a single job doing 5250 OLTP processing)
LPAR does impose a maximum 5250 OLTP percentage allocation to prevent the customer from wasting 5250 OLTP
capacity by restricting you from assigning more 5250 OLTP capacity to a partition than the assigned processor
capacity in the same partition.
Example: For a server with six installed/activated processors, each processor has approximately 16.7% of the total
server capacity (Processor CPW). For a single-processor partition on this server with an Enterprise
Edition, the maximum 5250 OLTP allocation could be 17% of the total 5250 OLTP capacity, which