Infrared Related Symptoms
See “Infrared Transceiver Checkout” on page 137 for
information on the infrared transceiver and infrared
transceiver checkout.
Audio Related Symptoms
Symptom/Error FRU/Action
You cannot hear
any sound.
1. In the Configuration Utility,
check the volume level and the
settings for Audio Power and
2. Attach external speakers or
headphones and check for sound:
If the external speakers or
headphones work, replace
the internal speaker.
If the external speakers or
headphones do not work,
replace the Top System
microphone does
not record.
1. Check the application’s
recording source and level.
2. Attach an external microphone
and check for recording:
If the external microphone
works, replace the internal
If the external microphone
does not work, replace the
Top System Board.
Other audio
1. Replace the Top System Board.
Peripheral Device Related Symptoms
Before testing or replacing any peripheral device, go into
the Configuration Utility and ensure that all of the
configurations are correct. Also, check applications to
ensure that devices are configured correctly.
Symptom/Error FRU/Action
External display does not
work correctly.
1. See “External Display
Self-Test” in
“Common Devices
Checkout” section.
Printer problems. 1. Run Printer self-test.
2. Cable.
3. Parallel Port Device.
4. Top System Board.
Serial or parallel port device
1. Device.
2. Device Cable.
3. Top System Board.
ThinkPad 701C/701CS (2630) 151