
1.2 The Adapter Card
The adapter provides 4 SSA ports for the attachment of storage devices such as hard disk drives. Each port operates at 20 MB/s
full-duplex using point-to-point copper cables up to 25 meters long.
On the adapter card, there is a light next to the pair of SSA connectors (port 1 and port 2) for each SSA loop.
 The light is on continuously when power is turned on to the adapter and both ports for that loop are operational; that is, the
devices connected next to the adapter in the loop have power turned on to them, are connected correctly to the adapter, and are
 The light flashes continuously if one of the ports is not operational. That occurs when the cable to that port is not connected
correctly or the device connected next to the adapter in the loop is not operational.
 The light is off if both ports are not operational
On the front panel of the adapter and on one of its modules are labels on which is printed the 15-character SSA unique ID of the
SSA RAID Adapter Installation and User's Guide.
The Adapter Card
_ Copyright IBM Corp. 1996
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