Using the DVD function
To use the DVD function, you need to set up your computer as follows after
installing the CD-RW/DVD drive into the Ultrabay 2000 drive bay:
1. Enable the DMA setting (Windows XP and Windows 2000 users only).
2. Install WinDVD (the DVD movie player program).
Note: For Windows 95, the DVD movie player is supported by Windows 95
OSR2.0 or later versions. You can check which version of Windows 95
you are using by doing the following:
1. Click Start,movethecursortoSettings, and then click Control
2. Double-click System.
Read the numbers under “System”.
v 4.00.950B means that your version is Windows 95 OSR2.0 or
v 4.00.950C means that your version is Windows 95 OSR2.5.
Enabling the DMA setting
This section explains enabling the DMA setting with Windows 2000 and
Windows XP.:
For Windows 2000
1. Click Start,movethecursortoSettings, and click Control Panel.
2. Double-click System.
3. Click the Hardware tab.
4. Click the Device Manager button.
5. Click IDE ATA/ATAPI controller to pull down the submenu.
6. Double-click Secondary IDE. (Double-click Primary IDE if you are using
the ThinkPad A21e computer.)
7. Select the DMA is available as the Transfer Mode.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Close to close System Properties window. A message displays,
informing you that the system settings have changed.
10. Click OK to restart the system.
For Windows XP
1. Click Start,movethecursortoMy Computer, and click on it.
2. Click on View system information under System Tasks.
3. Click the Hardware tab.
4. Click the Device Manager button.
6 ThinkPad CD-RW/DVD-ROM Combo Ultrabay Slim Drive: User’s Guide