6.1. Troubleshooting Procedure
If a failure occurs during robot's operation, but it does not stem from the controller, it
must be caused by damage on machine parts. The way to troubleshoot as quick and
easy as possible should be to diagnose the problem. In addition, it is necessary to
determine which parts cause the problem.
(1) Step 1 : Which axis occurs the problem?
First of all, check which axis causes the malfunction. In case that it is hard to
detect the problem, check the following possible mechanical defaults.
Is there any parts making noise?
Is there any parts generating an overheating?
Is there any parts have a play or backlash?
(2) Step 2 : Which parts have been damaged?
If the abnormal axes are determined, investigate which parts cause trouble.
There could be many causes for one phenomenon. Refer to [Table 6-1] for
the cause and phenomenon of the trouble.
(3) Step 3 : Dealing with malfunction parts
If the malfunction parts are confirmed, conduct relevant repair procedure
based on the chapter 『6.3 Diagnostics and Resolutions for Major Parts
Failure』. Contact our service office if you have any difficulties in dealing with