S Whencuttingwiththe saw,thechainbrake
must be disengaged.
Braking function control
The chain b rake m ust be
checked several times daily . The engine
must berunningwhenperformingthisproce-
dure. This isthe only instance whenthesaw
should be placed on the ground with the en-
gine running.
Place the saw on firm ground.Hold the han-
dles with both hands and appl y full throttle.
Activate the chain b rake by turning your left
wrist against the hand guard without releas-
ing your grip around the front handle. The
chain should s top immediately.
Inertia activat ing functi on control
When pe rforming the fol-
lowing procedure, the engine must be turned
The chain brake must be checked several
times daily.Holdthechain sawapproximate-
ly 14! (35 cm) above a stump or other firm
object. Release your grip on thefronthandle
and let the saw, by its o wn weight, rotate
around the rear handle. When the tip of the
barhitsthestump, thebrakeshouldactivate.
S Check chain tension before first use and
after 1 minute of operation. See CHAIN
TENSION in the ASSEMBLY section.
S Cut wood only. Do not cut metal, plastics,
ma sonr y, n on-woo d buildin g materials, et c.
S Sto pt hesawif thechainstr ikesa foreigno b-
ject. Inspect the saw and repair parts as
S Keepthechainoutofdirtandsand. Evena
small amountof dirtwill quickly dullachain
and increase the possibility of kickback.
S Practice cutting a few small logs using the
following techniques toget the“feel” ofus-
ing your saw before you begin a major
sawing operation.
S Squeeze the throttle trigger and allow
the engine to reach full speed before
S Begin cutting with the saw frame
against the log.
S Keep the engine at full speed the en-
tire time you are cutting.
S Allow the chain to cut for you. Exert
only light downward pressure.
S Releasethe throttletriggeras soonas
the cut is completed, allowing the en-
gine to idle. If you run the saw at full
throttle without a cutting load, unnec-
essary wear can occur.
S To avoid losing control when cut is
complete, do notput pressure onsaw
at end of cut.
S Stop the engi ne before setting the saw
down after cutting.
Check for broken or
dead branches which can fall while cutting
causing serious injury. Donotcutnearbuild-
ings orelectrical wires if you donot knowthe
directionof treefall, norcut atnightsinceyou
will not be ale to see well, nor during bad
weathersuch asrain, snow,or strongwinds,
etc. If thetreemakes contactwith any utility
line, the utility company should be notified
S Carefully plan your sawing operation in ad-
va nce.
S Clear t he w ork area. You need a clear area
all around the tree so you can have secure
S The cha in saw ope rator should ke ep on the
u phill sid e ofth ete rr ainas th etreeis likely to
roll or slide down hill af ter it is felled.
S Study the natural conditions that can cause
the tree to fall in a particular direction.
Natural conditions that can cause a tree to fall
in a particular direction include:
S The wind direction and speed.
S The lean of th e tree. The lean of a tree might
not beapparent dueto unevenor slopingter-
rain. Use a plumb or level to determine the
direction of tree lean.
S Weight and branches on on e side.
S Surrounding trees and obstacles.
Look for decay and rot. If the t runk is rotted, it
can snap and fall t oward the o perator. Check
for b roken o r dea d branches w hich ca n fall on
yo u while cut tin g.
Make sure there is enough room for the tree to
fall. Maintain a distance of
2-1 / 2
tree lengths
from the n earest person o r othe r o bjects. En-
gine noise can drown ou t a warning call.
Remove dirt, stones, loose bark, nails, staples,
and wire from the tree where cuts are to be
mad e.
Plan a clear retreat path to the rear and diago-
nal to th e line of fall.
Direction of Fall
Plan a clear retreat path
(15 cm in diameter or larger)
The notch method is used to fell large trees.
Anotchis cut ontheside ofthetreein thede-
sired direction of fall. After a felling cut is