2. There is no bottom reading visible on the display.
There are a number of possible causes for this condition. If the loss of bottom information occurs
only at high speeds, then a transducer adjustment is needed. (refer to Transducer Installation).
Check the transducer cable connection on the back of the unit and ensure that the cable has not
been cut or pinched. Even a small abrasion in the cable can significantly affect performance.
3. When in very shallow water, he unit does not display a continuous depth.
This is normal in extremely shallow water, because the automatic range control can not lock onto
the bottom in depths of one foot or less.
4. The screen begins to fade out. Images are not as sharp as normal.
Check the input voltage. The HDR 600 will not operate on input voltages below 10 VDC.
5. The bottom reading disappears during a hard turn.
This is normal, as the transducer comes out of the water in a hard turn and will correct itself.
Operating Frequency…………………………………200 kHz
Area of Coverage…………………………………….16 degrees at –10 db
Power Requirement………………………………….10 – 16 VDC
Display……………………………………………….Liquid Crystal
Unit Size……………………………………………..2.42” Dia. x 4.75”
Transducer (Standard)……………………………….XHS-6-16
Transducer Cable Length…………………………20 feet
Power Cable Length………………………………48”
Depth Capability………………………………….600 feet
Mounting…………………………………………In-Dash 2 1/8” hole
Unit Construction………………………………...High-Impact Plastic