Ok, you have got to this point and you are now in the position to successfully operate your AMX-220/AMX-220FX.
However, we advise you to read carefully the following section to be the real master of your own mixer. Not paying
enough of the signal will result inattention to the input signal level, to the routing of the signal and the assignment
unwanted distortion, a corrupted signal or no sound at all. So you should follow these procedures for every single channel:
Before connecting mics or instruments, make sure that the power of all your systems components including the
mixer is turned off. Also, make sure that all input and output controls of your mixer are turned down. This will avoid
damage to your speakers and avoid excessive noise.
Properly connect all external devices such as mics, power amplifiers, speakers, effects processor etc.
Now, turn on the power of any peripheral devices, then power up the mixer.
Note: the power amplifier or powered monitors shall be turned on after the mixer and turned off before the mixer.
75%.Set the output level of your mixer or the connected power amplifier at no more than
Set the CONTROL ROOM/PHONE level at no more than 50%.
Position HI, MID and LOW EQ controls on middle position.
Position panoramic (PAN/BAL) control on center position.
While speaking into the mic (or playing the instrument), adjust the channel Level control so that the channel PEAK
blink occasionally, in this way you will maintain good headroom and idea dynamic range.LED will
You can shape the tone of each channel by adjusting the equalizer controls as desired.
Now repeat the same sequence for all other input channels. The main LED could move up into the red section,
in this case yo can adjust the overall output level through the MAIN MIX control.
For AMX-220FX, you can select desired DSP sound effects via PRESET and VARIATION controls.