
© 2005 Directed Electronics—all rights reserved
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Control Module
One 2-Button Transmitter
8-Pin Main H/1 Harness
3-Pin Door Lock Harness
6-Relay Wires
Shutdown Toggle Switch
Hood Pin Switch
HF+ antenna receiver
iimmppoorrttaanntt iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
Congratulations on the purchase of your remote start system.
This system has been designed to provide years of trouble-free
operation. By carefully reading this owner's guide prior to using
your system, you will maximize the use of this system and its
features. Additional or replacement copies of this guide can be
printed by accessing the Directed Electronics internet website at
system maintenance
The system requires no specific maintenance. Your transmitter is
powered by a miniature 12-volt battery (type GP23) that will last
approximately one year under normal use. When the battery
begins to weaken, the operating range will be reduced.