
58 74-2699
Table C3. Status Points (Right).
Share (SH), Map (MA), Direct Access (DA)
E-Vision (EV): Calibrate (C), Monitor (M),
Parameter (P), Schematic (S)
Hardware Configuration (HW),
Manual Point (MN), Test (TS)
AlarmNode: is the LonWorks node number (in domain entry 1 of the nodes domain
table) assigned to the node.
AlarmSubnet: is the LonWorks subnet number (in domain entry 1 of the nodes
domain table) to which the node is assigned.
AlarmType: is the alarm type being issued. When an alarm condition is no longer
TRUE, type is set to the sum of the alarm conditions numeric value and the
RETURN_TO_NORMAL numeric value. The type also is recorded in
AlarmTypeLog0 through AlarmTypeLog4. When a new alarm is detected, just the
corresponding numeric value for the alarm is reported. Refer to table 9 (Excel 10
Alarms) in the System Engineering Guide for all the error conditions that may be
X M AlarmTypeLog0 (0, 1, 2, 3, 129, 130, 131, 255)
A supervisory node may poll the AlarmTypeLog output for a short alarm history. The
last five alarm reports sent via nvoAlarm are reported via AlarmTypeLog. When
ALARM_NOTIFY_DISABLED is entered into the log, further alarms or return to
normals are not entered into the log, until alarm reporting is again enabled. If
nvoAlarm is bound and not being acknowledged, the last alarm report entered into
the AlarmTypeLog is the one that was not acknowledged.
See nvoAlarm and for related subjects.
type ( n ) specifies the alarm that was issued via nvoAlarm. See nvoAlarm for the
alarm types used in AlarmTypeLog. The newest alarm is reported in type( 0 ) and
the oldest is reported in type( 4 ). When a new entry is made to the log, the oldest
entry is lost.
X M AlarmTypeLog1:
Refer to the description for AlarmTypeLog0.
X M AlarmTypeLog2:
Refer to the description for AlarmTypeLog0.
X M AlarmTypeLog3:
Refer to the description for AlarmTypeLog0.
X M AlarmTypeLog4:
Refer to the description for AlarmTypeLog0.
X M ResSensor1Error(AI1): The nvoError is a polled output containing a list of the current
errors detected by the node. A search for error conditions in the node is made
periodically. A diagnostic tool may poll nvoError for all of the current errors. nvoError
uses one bit for each possible error condition. nvoError contains all the detected
current errors even though they may be suppressed for reporting by nvoAlarm.
There is a correspondence between the error conditions and alarm types. nvoError
includes sensor failure errors and input network variable failure detect errors. Any
sensor failure errors result in a SENSOR_FAILURE alarm. Failure to receive any
bound network variable periodically results in an INPUT_NV_FAILURE alarm.
nvoError tells which sensor(s) or network variable(s) have failed. See nvoAlarm,
AlarmTypeLog for related subjects.