TH8000 Series
Installer setup
Setup functions Settings & Options (factory default in bold)
0120 Year
(rst two digits)
20 (2000-2099)
21 (2101-2178)
0130 Year
(second two digits)
10 (2010)
[Other options: 00-99]
0140 Month 6 [Other options: 1-12]
0150 Date 15 [Other options: 1-31]
0160 Schedule format 4 7-day programming
0 Non-programmable
0165 Restore energy saving 0 No
1 Yes
0170 System type 1 1 heat/1 cool conventional
2 1 heat/1 cool heat pump (no aux. heat)
3 Heat only (2-wire systems)
4 Heat only with fan
5 Hot water Series 20 system (power to open & close zone
valves/normally open zone valves)
6 Cool only
7 2 heat/1 cool heat pump (with aux. heat)
8 2 heat/2 cool multistage conventional
9 2 heat/1 cool multistage conventional
10 1 heat/2 cool multistage conventional
11 2 heat/2 cool heat pump (no aux. heat)
12 3 heat/2 cool heat pump (with aux. heat)
0173 Heat Pump Type 0 Air to Air heat pump
1 Geothermal heat pump
0180 Fan control
0 Gas/Oil heat (equipment controls heating fan)
1 Electric furnace (thermostat controls heating fan)
0190 Changeover valve
(O/B terminal)
0 O/B terminal controls valve in cooling
1 O/B terminal controls valve in heating
0200 Auxiliary heat 0 Electric backup heat
1 Fossil fuel backup heat
0210 External fossil
fuel kit
1 External fossil fuel kit controls backup heat
0 Thermostat controls backup heat (outdoor sensor required)
0220 1st stage com-
pressor cycle rate
3 Recommended for most compressors
[Other options: 1, 2, 4, 5 or 6 CPH]
0230 2nd stage com-
pressor cycle rate
3 Recommended for most compressors
[Other options: 1, 2, 4, 5 or 6 CPH]
0240 1st stage heat
cycle rate (CPH=
cycles per hour)
5 Gas or oil furnaces of less than 90% efciency
1 Steam or gravity systems
3 Hotwatersystems&furnacesof90%+efciency
9 Electric furnaces
[Other options: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 CPH]
0250 2nd stage heat cycle
rate (CPH)
5 Gas or oil furnaces of less than 90% efciency
1 Steam or gravity systems
3 Hotwatersystems&furnacesof90%+efciency
9 Electric furnaces
[Other options: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 CPH]
0260 3rd stage heat
cycle rate (CPH)
9 Electric auxiliary heat or electric furnaces
1 Steam or gravity systems
3 Hotwatersystems&furnacesof90%+efciency
5 Gasoroilfurnacesoflessthan90%efciency
[Other options: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 CPH]
Continued on next page