9 69-1538
Pre-Cool and Pre-Heat
Your Energy Utility may decide to use the
Pre-cool /Pre-heat feature to slightly raise or
lower your home temperature setting
immediately prior to a Demand Response
event to minimize the effect on your comfort.
When the Pre-heat or Pre-cool option is in
effect, the thermostat displays PrE.
Price Response
If your utility offers a Price Response Program,
this thermostat works with your Energy Utility to
inform you of the rate in effect at any given time
and automatically adjust your energy use for
each rate. The rate in effect is indicated on the
thermostat display as shown (Critical, Hi, Med,
and Lo). This typically involves controlling your
home at a higher temperature during cooling
season and a lower temperature during heating
season to reduce energy consumption.
Tue Room
Set Program
Set Day/Time
Em Ht Aux Ht