Table 14. Thermostat Cross Reference Information. (continued)
Model Number Description
Replacement Remarks
T8601A One-stage conventional heat thermostat; powered direct from 24 Vac transformer
T8601A1017 Canadian TRADELINE® thermostat;
Honeywell logo; system switch—none;
fan switch—none; degree C.
T8601D2019 Heat/cool model can be used for heat
only; system selection Heat-Off-Cool-
Auto; configure for °C in Installer Setup
14; Premier White® color.
T8601B One-stage conventional heat with fan thermostat; powered direct from 24 Vac transformer
T8601B1007 TRADELINE® thermostat; Honeywell logo;
system switch—none; fan
switch—ON-AUTO .
T8601D2019 Heat/cool model can be used for heat
only; system selection Heat-Off-Cool-
Auto; jumper R to Rc for fan control;
Premier White® color.
T8601C One-stage heat and one-stage cool conventional thermostat; powered direct from 24 Vac
transformer; system switch—HEAT-OFF-COOL; fan switch—ON-AUTO; O and B terminals
T8601C1003 TRADELINE® thermostat; Honeywell logo. T8601D2019 Jumper R to Rc; Premier White® color.
T8601C1013 Canadian TRADELINE® thermostat;
Honeywell logo; degree C.
T8601D2019 Configure for °C in Installer Setup 14;
jumper R to Rc; Premier White® color.
T8601C1021 New Construction thermostat. T8601D2019 Jumper R to Rc; Premier White® color.
T8601C1039 Carrier logo; part no. HH641-104. T8601D2019 Jumper R to Rc; Premier White® color.
T8601C1047 New Construction thermostat; Premier
White® color.
T8601D2019 Jumper R to Rc.
T8601C1054 Trol-A-Temp® thermostat; Premier White®
Configure manual changeover in
Installer Setup12; replacement has Oc
T8601C1062 Trol-A-Temp® by Honeywell logo. T8601D2027
Configure manual changeover in
Installer Setup12; replacement has Oc
terminals; Premier White® color.
T8601D One-stage heat and one-stage cool conventional thermostat; powered direct from 24 Vac
transformer; automatic changeover; system switch—HEAT-OFF-COOL-AUTO; fan switch—ON-
T8601D1011 Canadian TRADELINE® thermostat;
Honeywell logo; degree C.
T8601D2019 Separate O & B terminals; configure for
°C in Installer Setup 14 and
changeover in 12; jumper R to Rc;
Premier White® color.
T8601D1029 New Construction thermostat. T8601D2019 Separate O & B terminals; configure
changeover in Installer Setup 12;
jumper R to Rc; Premier White® color.
T8601D1045 Trol-A-Temp® by Honeywell thermostat;
Premier White® color.
Separate O & B terminals; replacement
has Oc terminals.
T8601D1052 New Construction thermostat; Premier
White® color.
T8601D2019 Separate O & B terminals; configure
changeover in Installer Setup 12;
jumper R to Rc.
T8601D1060 California Economizer logo; Premier
White® color.
T8601D2019 Separate O & B terminals; configure
changeover in Installer Setup 12;
jumper R to Rc.
T8601D1078 Amana logo; Premier White® color;
part no. P1213701F.
T8601D2019 Separate O & B terminals; configure
changeover in Installer Setup 12;
jumper R to Rc.