
69-2718ES—01 24
Installing your thermostat
12 Determine your heating/cooling system type.
Important! Heating/cooling system type must be set so that your
thermostat operates properly and does not damage your system.
12a If your system type is conventional single stage (natural gas-powered single
stage with a/c), continue to “Connecting to your Wi-Fi network” on page 26.
12b If your system is:
• Conventionalmultistageheatandcool
• Anytypeofheatpump
• Hydronic
• Other
You MUST change the system type by setting system function 1. See page 48 to
match your thermostat to your system type.
If you are not sure of your
heating/cooling system type
or have other questions, go
to wifithermostat.com/support
69-2718ES_A.indd 24 8/13/2012 3:00:37 PM