Manual Scope
This guide provides information on the installation, setup, and operation of Honeywell’s MS2420 and MS2430
scanner/Diva scale unit. It is designed to be used in conjunction with MetroSelect
Product manuals are also available for download in Adobe
Configuration Guide
(PN 00-02407x) and the MS2x20 Stratos™ Series Scanner/Diva Scale Configuration Addendum
(PN 00-02272x).
file format at
Product Overview
MS2420 and MS2430 scanner is designed to meet the demanding needs of high volume supermarket and
point-of-sale applications. With advanced features like 5-sided, 360° scanning, 5400 scans per second, a
comprehensive scan zone and advanced decoding software, this high performance series of in-counter
scanner/Diva scale products guarantees fast customer checkouts with minimal operator fatigue and stress.
The MS2420 and MS2430 scanner is equipped with a multitude of standard features including:
StratosSCAN – 5-sided, 360° scanning that minimizes product orientation
StratosSPHERE – Decoding software that reads poor quality and damaged bar codes
StratosSYNC – Horizontal and vertical scanning zones operate independently from one another
GS1 DataBar Decoding – Decodes GS1 DataBar, GS1 DataBar Limited, and GS1 DataBar Expanded
Flash ROM – Upgrade latest software enhancements on site
Powered Aux Port – Connect hand-held scanner for large or bulky items
Integrated Scale – Factory integrated Mettler Toledo Diva scale
Loud Speaker – 3 volume/7 tone settings can be heard in all environments
Easy Configuration – Windows
Fully Automatic – “No touch” wake up from power save modes
based utility or simple bar code setup
EAS Deactivation – Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) equipped (EAS cable is an optional purchase)
Field Replaceable Vertical Window – Quickly remove vertical window for cleaning or replacement
StratosSCOPE – Visual diagnostic indicator for easy to read feedback on scanner condition
StratosSWAP – Modular optics engine technology – small, pre-aligned, field replaceable modules
StratosSCHOOL – Operator training software