Bar Code Calibration Procedure without Remote Display*
The following calibration procedure can be used when the remote scale display is not present. This procedure requires that
the scanner/scale have a software serial number of 15001 or greater. The beeper volume switch is used to advance to the
next stage of calibration and the LED display notifies the operator which ‘calibration stage’ (1 through 5) is active.
1. Temporarily remove the platter and place it in a safe location.
It is the responsibility of the owner of the scale to confirm compliance with the relevant Weights and Measures
statutes and regulations applicable in your area by checking with the appropriate government agency before
placing a newly calibrated unit into service or removing any official seals.
2. If this is a currently installed scanner/scale* in need of calibration, cut and remove the calibration switch cover seal. If this
is a new installation, cut and remove the factory-applied adhesive seal.
Follow all Electo-Static Discharge (ESD) procedures when exposing internal scanner/scale components.
3. Remove the M3 screw securing the calibration switch/button cover. Place the cover and screw in a safe location.
Figure 52. Calibration Switch Plate Cover Removal
4. Enter the scale program mode. Power down the unit and slide the scale program switch to the program position. If the
system is a dual cable system, disconnect the host to scale RS232 cable from the unit.
Figure 53. Entering the Scale Program Mode
See power source caution statement on page 8 of this manual.
* These procedures are for MS2320 StratosH Scanner/Avery Scale models only.