9 - 4
Security Recommendation
NFC functionality is enabled by default on Dolphin 70e Black models ending with the letter N (e.g.,
70exxN). The recommended setting for NFC functionality is disabled until the feature is required.
Enabling NFC allows data exchanges between the terminal and other NFC devices or tags. For
information on security guidelines and recommendations, see the Dolphin 70e Black powered by
Android Network and Security Guide available for download at www.honeywellaidc.com.
NFC Settings
Enabling or Disabling NFC Functionality
1. Touch All Apps > Settings .
2. Under Wireless & Networks, touch More.
3. Touch the box next to NFC to either enable (check) or disable (not checked) short-range wireless
data exchange.
Enabling the Android Beam
Android Beam functionality is only available if NFC is enabled.
1. Touch All Apps > Settings .
2. Under Wireless & Networks, touch More.
3. Verify the box next to NFC is checked (enabled).
4. Check the box next to Android Beam.
Enabling the Embedded Secure Element (eSE)
1. Touch All Apps > Settings .
2. Under Wireless & Networks, touch More.
3. Verify the box next to NFC is checked (enabled).
4. Touch Secure Element.
5. Touch Select SE then choose the embedded secure element (eSE) SmartMX.
Note: If you want to turn off a previously selected SE, select None from the Select SE > Change SE list.
Note: Card Emulation is enabled (checked) by default when an SE is selected.
Reading NFC Tags
1. Verify NFC is enabled (see page 9-4).
2. Hold the NFC tag close to the back of the terminal. When an NFC tag is recognized, the terminal
emits a sound and the tag data displays on the terminal screen.
Note: The terminal must be unlocked for NFC tag detection. If sound is muted, the terminal vibrates when an
NFC tag is detected.