
1 69-2072—05
The TrueIAQ
monitors and automatically adjusts operation of your whole-house humid-
ifier, dehumidifier, ventilator, or bath fan.
Maintaining proper indoor humidity minimizes the potential for unhealthy airborne pol-
lutants to grow. Having too little humidity can leave you vulnerable to infections and
uncomfortable dry skin. Too much humidity creates ideal breeding grounds for mold,
mildew and dust mites. Humidified air also feels warmer in the winter, and dry air feels
cooler in the summer.
TrueIAQ can adjust humidity with or without dependency on HVAC equipment opera-
tion. If you have both a humidifier and dehumidifier installed, the TrueIAQ can automati-
cally change over to the appropriate equipment based on your comfort settings and the
changing outdoor conditions.
TrueIAQ can also deliver fresh air with or without dependency on HVAC equipment
operation. Today’s building codes require homes to be built more tightly for energy effi-
ciency, but that tightness can also trap indoor air pollutants, such as cooking odors,
cleaning agents, radon, and carbon dioxide/monoxide. TrueIAQ provides cost-effective
ventilation in accordance to industry standards. In addition, the TrueIAQ can be pro-
grammed to deliver ventilation during set times of the day or night.
About TrueIAQ
69-2072_C.indd 1 7/31/2008 2:04:24 PM