About the 4500 Thermostat
The Ademco 4500 thermostat provides control for both heat and air
conditioning. It is intended for use with Ademco security systems
that include the enhanced 4286 phone module. You can set the 4500
thermostat using any Touch-tone phone, either on premises or
remotely. The 4500 thermostat is not a replacement for the existing
thermostat, which remains in the installation, but can be selected to
provide a “set-back” function whenever the system is in the ARMED
AWAY mode. The existing thermostat controls premises temperature
while the security system is DISARMED, or in ARMED STAY mode.
Saving Money on Energy Bills
An important benefit of combined climate control and security is
potential energy cost savings. During the heating season, you can
“set-back” the 4500 thermostat for times when you are away from
home by putting the security system in the ARMED AWAY mode.
Our set-back feature lets you turn down the thermostat when the
house is empty automatically, when you arm the security system in
the ARMED AWAY mode.
During the cooling season, you can set the 4500 thermostat for a
higher temperature than the existing thermostat for times when you
are away from home, to save on cooling costs by putting the security
system in the ARMED AWAY mode.
In both cases you can call home to adjust the set-back temperature
that is in effect while the system is in the armed away mode.
The 4500 Thermostat Provides Comfort and Convenience
Heat or air conditioning in vacation homes can be remotely set and
monitored by phone. For example, heat can be turned up at a ski
cabin before guests arrive. The owner can also call-in to the system to
check that the indoor temperature is being maintained while the
premises are vacant. Users can set the air conditioning by calling
home just before leaving work. Once access to the security system
has been established, the ambient temperature will automatically be
announced if the installer has programmed this function. The
following sections describe how to use the 4500 thermostat.