General Description
In This Section
Application and Description
4500 Specifications
Application and Description
The Ademco 4500 thermostat provides control for both heat and air
conditioning. The Ademco 4286 Phone Module is required in the
installation for use with the 4500 thermostat. The user sets the 4500
thermostat using any Touch-tone phone, either on premises or remotely. The
4500 is not a replacement for the existing thermostat, which remains in the
installation. The 4500 can be user selected to provide remote control and set-
back functions.
In summary, the ADEMCO thermostat allows the user to:
Set back the temperature (to that set in the ADEMCO thermostat)
automatically by arming in the AWAY mode when leaving home.
Resume normal temperature (as set by the existing thermostat)
automatically by disarming the system when returning home.
Check the present temperature by phoning in from a remote location
The Ademco 4500 Thermostat cannot be used on 110 volt control lines. To
prevent a shock or fire hazard, make sure there is only low voltage (typically
24VAC) on all control wiring of the heating and cooling system before starting
the installation. Only qualified personnel shall test the voltage to prevent a
shock hazard.