IV. Boom Assembly V. Outhaul, Downhaul and
. . Vang Assembly
The HOLDER@ 12 boom (part #9) IS sImple to
use, yet it is one of the most advanced designs Locate the outhaul line (part #18) and the
available on a sailboat of this size. To connect downhaul line (part #20). Attach them to the
the boom, slide the end where the hole is onto padeyes on the deck (part #2), using a bowline
;. the gooseneck (Figure 12). Then take the clew knot (Figure 14). (It does not matter which side
of the sail in one hand and the outhaul "S" you use.) Run the outhaulline through the out-
hook in the other, and hook into the grommet haul block, down to the block connected on the
~ (Figure 13). You are now ready to connect the padeye and exit through the jam cleat (part #4).
outhaulline. Follow the same procedure, but from the other
side, and go through the grommet at the foot of
the sail for the downhaul. Both shown (Figure
15). To connect the vang, start by attaching the
twist shackle (part #21) to the lower mast strap
and the vang block (part #23) (Figure 16). Run
the line as shown (Figure 17). NOTE: Vang line
should be attached to the boom. Standard boats
do not have vang.
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Fig. 14
Fig. 13
Fig. 15