
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions
4 - 85
4.2.92 Offline auto-tuning function
Hitachi's general-purpose motors are set as defaults. When you drive a Hitachi's general-purpose motor
with the inverter, you can usually obtain the desired motor characteristics without problems. (If you cannot
obtain the desired characteristics, adjust the motor constant settings as described in Section 4.2.92 or
Function code
The offline auto-tuning function allows you to make the inverter
automatically measure and set the motor constants that are
required for the sensorless vector control, 0Hz-range sensorless
vector control, and vector control with sensor.
When using the inverter to perform the sensorless vector control,
0Hz-range sensorless vector control, and vector control with sensor
for a motor of which the motor constants are unknown, measure the
motor constants with the offline tuning function.
When "00" (Hitachi general-purpose motor data) is specified for the
motor constant selection (H002/H202), the motor constants of
If you intend to use the online tuning function described later, be sure to perform offline auto-tuning
The offline auto-tuning function applies only to the 1st motor and 2nd motor controls. Do not apply this
function to the 3rd motor control.
The motor constant data corresponding to the date of one phase of γ connection at 50 Hz.
Item Data or range of data Description
00 Disabling the auto-tuning
Enabling the auto-tuning (without
motor rotation)
Auto-tuning Setting H001
Enabling the auto-tuning (with motor
00 Hitachi general-purpose motor data
01 Automatically tuned data
Motor data selection H002/H202
Automatically tuned data (online
auto-tuning enabled)
Motor capacity H003/H203 0.2 to 75.0 (kW)
Motor poles setting H004/H204 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 (poles)
Auto constant R1 H030/H230 0.000 to 65.53 (Ω)
Auto constant R2 H031/H231
0.000 to 65.53 kgm
Auto constant L H032/H232 0.00 to 655.3 (mH)
Auto constant Io H033/H233 0.00 to 655.3 (A)
Auto constant J H034H234
0.001 to 9999. (kgm
Base frequency
30 to maximum frequency setting
00 Disabling DC braking
DC braking enable A051
01 Enabling DC braking
200, 215, 220, 230, or 240
Selectable only for 200 V class
AVR voltage select A082
380, 400, 415, 440, 460, or 480
Selectable only for 400 V class
When using this function, follow the instructions below.
1) Adjust the settings of base frequency (A003) and AVR voltage select (A082) to the motor specifications. When motor
voltage is other than the altanatives, set as ”motor voltage (A082) “ * ”outputr voltage gain (A045) “ = “motor rated
b) The motor is not driven by any other external power source.
H001: Auto-tuning Setting
H002: Motor data selection, 1st motor
H003: Motor capacity, 1st motor
H004: Motor poles setting, 1st motor
H030: Auto constant R1, 1st motor
H031: Auto constant R2, 1st motor
H032: Auto constant L, 1st motor
H033: Auto constant Io, 1st motor
H034: Auto constant J, 1st motor
A003: Base frequency setting
A051: DC braking selection
A082: AVR voltage select
b046: Reverse run proctection enable
2) This function can properly apply to only the motors in the maximum applicable capacity class of your inverter or one
class lower than the capacity class of your inverter. If this function is used for motors with other capacities, correct
constant data may not be obtained. (In such cases, the auto-tuning operation may not be completed. If the
auto-tuning operation is not completed, press the STOP/RESET key. The operation will end with an error code
3) If "01" (enabling) is specified for the DC braking enable (A051), motor constants cannot be measured by offline
auto-tuning. Specify "00" (disabling) for the DC braking enable. (The default setting is "00".)
4) If "02" (auto-tuning with motor rotation) is specified for the Auto-tuning Setting (H001), confirm or observe the
a) No problem occurs when the motor rotates at a speed close to 80% of the base frequency.
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