Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
1192J: E-mail
Section 2J
In This Section
Specifying the Server Settings
Changing the Server Settings
Server Setup Options
Setting the Font Size
Composing and Sending New E-mail
Options When You Are Composing a New E-mail
Checking the Content of Outgoing E-mail
Editing and Resending Outgoing E-mail
Erasing Outgoing E-mail
Setting the Outgoing Mail List Screen Display Mode
Options Available During Outgoing Mail List Display
Options Available During Outgoing Mail Content Display
Receiving E-mail
Viewing Incoming E-mail
Replying to Received E-mail
Forwarding Incoming E-mail
Erasing Incoming E-mail
Setting the Incoming Mail List Screen Display Mode
Options Available During Incoming Mail List Display
Options Available During Incoming Mail Content Display
Draft E-mail
his section explains how to specify the server settings and send and
receive e-mail. This will allow you to keep in touch more effectively with
your friends and business contacts.