
number of adjacent routers (RIPng), and the maximum number of adjacent peers
(BGP4+) is shown in Table 4-70. The maximum number of adjacent routers is
the number of routers that advertise a route from this router. The maximum
number of adjacent peers is the number of peers that advertise a route from this
router. The maximum number of entries contains an alternate route.
Table 4-70 Relation Between Number of Route Entries and Maximum Number of
Adjacent Peers
Routing Protocol
No. of Higher
Max. No. of Route
Max. No. of Neighbor
RIPng -- 1,000 100
BGP4+ 1 25,000 15
2 25,000 10
3 25,000 5
(Note 1) The maximum number of route entries contains an alternate route.
(Note 2) The maximum number of adjacent peers indicates the number of peers that advertise the route
received from the upper peer.
(Note 3) This is the value obtained when an IPv4 unicast and IPv4 multicast are not used.