1.5 Selecting the network connection method
There are some options to connect to the
• Enter PassCode
• Congure Manually
• Select From List
Select From List
Before selecting this item, your computer and the projectors need to be connected
to the same network.
If the connection is already established, select the [Select From List].
From the list of the projectors connected to the network, select which projector
you would like to send your images. Proceed to &RQ¿UPLQJWKHFRQQHFWLRQ
to your destination. (
Enter PassCode
If you want to use the Passcode for network connection, select the [Enter
PassCode] and click the [Next].
The Passcode is given by the projector on screen. And you simply input the
Passcode to the “LiveViewer” to connect the network.
Proceed to item 1.5.1 Passcode connection. (
Select the >&RQ¿JXUH0DQXDOO\@ and click the [Next].
Then, proceed to item 0DQXDO&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ. (
Select one of them to meet your requirement.
1. Connection to the network