0611 RM500SL User’s Guide Version 2.8 Page 65
FastFacts 16.3: Insertion gain in HL
See 10: Real-Ear Measurement Setup and 11: REM Screen Setup
1) Press <Tests>, then highlight & <PICK> [Insertion gain] from the REM tests list.
2) Highlight and <PICK> [Instrument] to chose from BTE, ITE, ITC, CIC, Body.
This changes the CORFIG used for 2cc targets.
3) Highlight and <PICK> fitting method to chose from FIG6, NAL-NL1, NAL-R,
An estimated aided threshold curve is calculated by shifting the unaided threshold
curve upward by the REIG. This estimate assumes a) the unaided threshold is a
sound-field threshold and b) a linear aid (i.e. REIG doesn’t depend on level).
The REUR curve uses the right-hand SPL scale and is shown for reference only.