
Data returned
The returned Parameter Data contains a 4-byte header followed by one or more command
Each command descriptor contains either a supported Operation Code or an Operation Code/
Service Action combination. The format of each descriptor is as follows:
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB)
Command Data Length
3 (LSB)
Command Data Length The amount of Parameter Data available for return minus the size of the
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Operation Code
1 Reserved (0)
2 (MSB)
Service Action
3 (LSB)
4 Reserved (0)
5 Reserved (0) ServActv
6 (MSB)
CDB Length
7 (LSB)
Operation Code The operation code of the supported command.
Service Action A supported service action of the operation code. If no service actions are supported
this field will be 00h.
ServActv 0 No service actions are supported and the Service Action field should be
1 This operation code supports service actions and the Service Action field
contains a valid service actions.
CDB Length The length of the CDB for this operation code or operation code/service action