The CPU test checks the general purpose registers by copying a bit pattern through each
register. Then a test of the Translation Lookaside Buffer is performed.
DOS Parameter Explanation
Valid Keystrokes Action
n/a The CPU test ignores the keyboard.
Failure Message Error Code Meaning
User Aborted 1 User aborted test.
Failed 2 The register test failed.
Failed 3 The CPU is in protected
mode, must clean boot.
Failed 4 The Translate Lookaside
Buffer test failed.
The RAM test checks the base 640K of RAM first, then the remainder of memory.
DOS Parameter Explanation
Valid Keystrokes Action
Backspace Aborts the test, all other keys are flushed.
Failure Message Error Code Meaning
User Aborted 1 User aborted test.
Failed 3 Could not move to new code
segment. RAM is bad.
Failed 4 CPU protected mode bit set,
must clean boot.
The ROM test performs a 1-byte arithmetic checksum on the ROM block at address F000.
DOS Parameter Explanation