Recovering Files, Drivers, and Applications
Contents of the Recovery CD
You can reinstall the OmniBook’s factory-installed software with the OmniBook
Recovery CD. This process reformats the hard drive and installs the OmniBook
Windows 95 setup program. Refer to the OmniBook Reference guide for complete
instructions. The OmniBook Recovery CD contains the following directories:
Directory Contains
README.TXT Instructions for using the Recovery CD.
ENC Encrypted Microsoft Windows 95 recovery files. (Usable only in conjunction with
the Support Utilities disk.)
BOOTDISK For creating your own copy of a boot disk (like the FAT32 Support Utility disk).
FILE.CHK Checksum list (also for FAT32).
HPUTILS Use this to install the online User’s Handbook or to copy the OmniBook Notes
and Support files to the \OmniBook directory on your hard drive.
Use this to manually install individual audio, video, infrared, and PC-Card
(PCMCIA) drivers for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 95, and Windows for
Workgroups. Look for the specific driver for the specific version of your operating
system. Each driver has a README file with instructions.
MANUALS Use this for direct viewing of the online User’s Handbook from the CD, not for its