card numbering, 30
card numbers, 18 - 19
configuration, 12, 14, 51
configuration with multimeter, 42, 51
continuous scanning, 60
logical addresses, 18 - 19
setup, 15
Schematic, simplified, 13
SCPI Commands, 53
abbreviated, 54
ABORt, 56, 77
ARM subsystem, 57, 77
DISPlay subsystem, 58 - 59, 77
format used, 53
implied, 54
INITiate subsystem, 60 - 61, 77
linking, 55
long form, 54
optional, 54
optional parameters, 55
OUTPut subsystem, 62, 77
parameters, 55
quick reference, 77
reference, 55, 77
ROUTe: subsystem, 63 - 69
short form, 54
STATus subsystem, 70, 77
SYSTem subsystem, 71 - 72, 77
TRIGger subsystem, 73 - 75, 77
Secondary Address, 14, 18
multiplexer, 14
switchbox, 14
channels, 29
interrupt line number, 20
Service Request (SRQ), 52
address switch, 19
card ID switch, 21
interrupt line number switch, 20
scanning cycles, 57
Shielded Cables, 24
Shock Hazard, 17
conditioning components, adding, 23
generators, connecting, 24, 26
measuring on a closed channel, 12
Specifications, 79 - 80
See High-speed
*SRE, 52, 76
*SRE?, 76
Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments
See SCPI Commands
Static Electricity, 17
Status Register, 52, 70
polling, 52
STATus Subsystem, 70, 77
Status/Control Register, 85, 87
STATus:OPERation:ENABle, 52, 70
STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]?, 52, 70
*STB?, 52, 76
addressing, 14, 18
card numbering, 18, 30
channels to tree terminals, 34
commands for scanning, 45 - 46
configuration, 14
connecting channels to direct terminals, 32 - 33
continuous scanning, 60
description of, 14
errors, 72
multiple scanning cycles, 39
resetting, 16
scanning, 40 - 41
scanning channels, 45, 66
scanning range of channels, 36 - 37
secondary address, 14
setup, 14
card ID, 21
interrupt line, 20
IRQ, 20
logical address, 19
tree isolation, 12, 32 - 34, 68
Switching Speeds, 11 - 12
Synchronize E1351A/53A to HP 3457A Multimeter,
48 - 49
SYSTem Subsystem, 71 - 72, 77
SYSTem:CDEScription?, 71, 92
SYSTem:CPON, 71, 92
SYSTem:CTYPe?, 72, 92
SYSTem:ERRor?, 72
Temperature Measurements, 43 - 44
Terminal Block
See Terminal Module
Terminal Module, 11
adding components to, 23
connections, 12, 24
direct terminals, description of, 12
thermocouple, 43
wiring guidelines, 24
wiring to, 25
Thermistor, 43 - 44
measure resistance of, 44
resistance, converting to a temperature, 44
temperature, converting to a voltage, 44
Thermocouple, 43
compensated measurements, 44
106 HP E1351A/53A FET Multiplexer User’s Manual Index