
Connecting the Workstation
Connecting the Workstation
Step 1:
Universal Strain
Relief Strap to
Video Cable
The universal strain relief strap (USRS) is included in the bag
with your monitor video cable. Attaching the strap to the cable
can prevent the connectors from pulling out of the monitor.
Instructions for attaching the USRS are included with the strap.
Complete those steps to install the USRS.
Step 2: Monitor
Cables to
Complete the following steps to connect the monitor cables to the
back of the monitor.
Step for a color monitor.
Step for a monochrome or greyscale monitor.
Step for all monitors. Table 3–3 shows the locations of the
connectors on the backs of various monitors. Shaded areas
indicate location of connectors.
Installing a Workstation System 3–5