Multimeter Command Reference 165Chapter 3
*OPC? causes the HP E1312A and HP E1412A to wait for all pending operations
to complete. A single ASCII “1” is then placed in the output queue.
Comments • Executable when Initiated: Yes
• Coupled Command: No
• Related Commands: *OPC, *WAI
• *RST Condition: none
*RST resets the HP E1312A and HP E1412A as follows:
-- Sets all commands to their
*RST state.
-- Aborts all pending operations.
*RST does not affect:
-- The output queue
-- The Service Request and Standard Event Status Enable Registers
-- The enable unmasks for the Questionable Signal Registers
-- Calibration data
Comments • Executable when Initiated: Yes
• Coupled Command: No
• *RST Condition: none
*SRE and *SRE?
*SRE <unmask> specifies which bits of the Status Byte Register are enabled
(unmasked) to generate a IEEE-488.1 service request. Event and summary bits are
always set and cleared in the Status Byte Register regardless of the unmask value.
<unmask> is the sum of the decimal weights of the bits to be enabled allowing these
bits to pass through to the summary bit RQS (bit 6 in the status byte).
*SRE? returns the current enable unmask value.
A 1 in a bit position enables service request generation when the corresponding
Status Byte Register bit is set; a 0 disables it.
Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values Default Units
numeric 0 through 255 none