Parameters: none.
The ADJUST menu
This menu is used to set mechanical adjustment parameters. For details on how to print the patterns,
Calibrate the printer.
When the ◄ key is pressed, mechanical adjustment parameters can be set.
Adjustment pattern print (TEST PRINTS)
This menu is used to print the adjustment patterns for adjusting the printer mechanically and electrically.
When the CANCEL key is pressed during printing, the print can be stopped.
● IQ PRINT. Prints a block pattern with black and another color.
PH ROW. Prints the printhead alignment pattern.
PH TO PH. Prints the printhead to printhead alignment pattern.
● BIDIRECTION DEF. Prints the bidirectional printing adjustment pattern.
● BIDIRECTION F.D. Prints the bidirectional printing adjustment pattern for Fine Draft print mode.
Printhead nozzle position adjustment (#YY PH ROW VAL)
Adjusts the spitting angle of the printhead nozzles.
Enter an adjustment value according to the PH ROW pattern.
YY: Ink color
Display order: K -> Lm -> Lc -> Y -> M -> C
Parameters: sign (+/-), value (-32 to +31)
Printhead position adjustment (#YY PH TO PH VAL)
Adjusts the printhead to printhead position.
ENWW The ADJUST menu 163