
Solving Image-Quality Problems
Banding Caused by Media Advance Problems
Another type of banding is caused by an inaccurate media advance. The printer
prints an image in ‘bands’ or ‘swaths’ which have fixed widths depending on the
advance of the media roller. If the advance of the roller differs from the theoretical
advance, there will be banding (horizontal repetitive bands along the test pattern) in
all the primary and secondary color columns.
The bands can appear as dark bands, due to a shorter advance of the roller which
causes an overlap, or lighter bands due to a longer advance causing spaces.
3 Banding in yellow, red and
green columns only, but more
evident in yellow than in red
and green columns.
This is an indication that the
yellow printhead may require
servicing or could be
_ Refer to 11-16, Nozzle Print Test for
the yellow color.
Verify this problem and see the
recommended actions
4 Banding in black column
This is an indication that the
black printhead may require
servicing or could be
_ Refer to test 11-16, Nozzle Print Test
for the black color.
Verify this problem and see the
recommended actions.
Problem See: Corrective Action