on/off switch 4
online support 132
operating environment
specifications 138
operating systems supported 2,
18, 28
operating systems, networks 34
order supplies message 99
ordering supplies
Web sites 125
setting, Windows 56
output bin
capacity 2
jams, clearing 107
locating 4
output quality
archive setting 14
HP ImageREt 3600 64
HP ToolboxFX settings 75
print, troubleshooting 110
page count 10
page order, changing 56
page too complex error
message 99
blank 119
not printing 119
printing slowly 119
skewed 114
pages per minute 2
pages per sheet
Windows 56
covers, using different
paper 55
curl settings 14
curled, troubleshooting 114
custom size, selecting 55
custom-size, Macintosh
settings 30
default settings 11, 74
first and last pages, using
different paper 55
first page 30
HP ToolboxFX settings 75
pages per sheet 31
size, selecting 55
specification guide 125
supported sizes 45
type, selecting 55
wrinkled 114
paper jams. See jams
paper path
jams, clearing 105
part numbers 125
password, network 71
pausing a print job 54
PCL drivers
universal 20
PCL font list 10
PCL settings, HP ToolboxFX 74
physical specifications 136
portrait orientation
setting, Windows 56
Macintosh 122
types included 2
PostScript settings,
HP ToolboxFX 74
power connection, locating 5
power specifications 137
power switch 4
presets (Macintosh) 30
print cartridges
error messages 100
low or out, settings 12
Macintosh status 32
non-HP 80
order message 99
recycling 141
replace message 99, 100
replacing 82
status, viewing with HP Toolbox
FX 70
storage 80
supplies status page 10
using when out of toner 81
warranty 129
print cartridges, accessing 4
print density settings 75
print media
supported 45
print on both sides
Windows 56
print quality
archive setting 14
HP ImageREt 3600 64
HP ToolboxFX settings 75
troubleshooting 110
troubleshooting page 117
troubleshooting 119
priority, settings 22, 28
Product information tab,
HP ToolboxFX 71
product registration 76
production code 5
protocols, networks 36
PS Emulation drivers 19
PS font list 10
archive setting 14
HP ImageREt 3600 64
HP ToolboxFX settings 75
print, troubleshooting 110
Quick Sets 55
rear door, locating 5
HP printing supplies returns and
environmental program 142
registration, product 76
remote firmware upgrades
about 91
repacking the product 133
repetitive defects,
troubleshooting 115
replace supplies message 99,
replacement parts, and
supplies 125
replacing print cartridges 82
Reports menu 10
reports, product
configuration page 38
network configuration page 38
resize documents
Macintosh 30
Windows 55
features 2
152 Index ENWW