● Fax over Internet Protocol (FoIP)
● An ISDN service
Cause The HP All-in-One might be connected to a telephone wall jack that is set up for digital
Solution Make sure you connect the HP All-in-One to an analog phone line or you will not
be able to send or receive faxes. To check if your phone line is digital, connect a regular analog
phone to the line and listen for a dial tone. If you do not hear a normal sounding dial tone, it
might be a phone line set up for digital phones. Connect the HP All-in-One to an analog phone
line and try sending or receiving a fax.
Cause The HP All-in-One shares the same phone line with a DSL service and the DSL
modem might not be properly grounded.
Solution If the DSL modem is not properly grounded, it can create noise on the phone line.
Phone lines with poor sound quality (noise) can cause faxing problems. You can check the
sound quality of the phone line by plugging a phone into the telephone wall jack and listening
for static or other noise.
If you hear noise, do the following
1. Turn off your DSL modem and completely remove power for at least 15 minutes.
2. Turn the DSL modem back on.
3. Listen to the dial tone again. If the dial tone sounds clear (no noise or static), try sending
or receiving a fax.
Note You might notice static on the phone line again in the future. If the HP All-in-
One stops sending and receiving faxes, repeat this process.
If the phone line is still noisy, contact your phone company. For information on turning your
DSL modem off, contact your DSL provider for support.
Cause You are faxing over the Internet using an IP phone, and there was a problem with the
Solution Try resending your fax at a later time. Also, make sure your Internet service provider
supports faxing over the Internet.
If the problem persists, contact your Internet service provider.
The HP All-in-One cannot send faxes, but can receive faxes
Cause The HP All-in-One is not set up properly for faxing.
Solution Follow the instructions provided in this guide to set up the HP All-in-One properly
for faxing, based on the equipment and services you have on the same phone line as the
HP All-in-One. Then, run a fax test to check the status of the HP All-in-One and to make sure
you set it up properly.
The HP All-in-One prints a report with the results of the test. If the test fails, review the report
for information on how to fix the problem.
Cause The HP All-in-One might be dialing too fast or too soon.
Solution You might need to insert some pauses in the number sequence. For example, if
you need to access an outside line before dialing the phone number, insert a pause following
the access number. If your number is 95555555, and 9 accesses an outside line, you might
insert pauses as follows: 9-555-5555. To enter a pause in the fax number you are typing, press
the Space button repeatedly until a dash (-) appears on the display.
If you are using a speed dial entry to send the fax, update the speed dial entry to include pauses
in the number sequence.
Basics Guide 85
Troubleshooting and support