Connecting the Camera to Your Macintosh
HP PhotoSmart C500 Digital Camera User’s Guide 101
Connecting the Camera to Your Macintosh
System Requirements
If you want to connect your HP PhotoSmart C500 Digital Camera to a Macintosh, your computer system must meet
the following requirements:
Installing the Software
1. Insert the HP PhotoSmart CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.
2. Double-click the CD icon on the desktop.
3. Select your language by double-clicking the language’s folder.
Component Minimum Recommended
Processor Power PC, 120 MHz Power PC, 233 MHz or better
Memory (RAM) 16 MB 64 MB or more
Free hard disk space 32 MB 64 MB or more
Video display 640x480, 256 colors 1024x768, 16 bit or higher
CD-ROM 4x or better same
Operating system Mac OS 8.6+ same
Port USB same