
C100_110-160_180.FB 29 Tue Jul 16 06:36:50 1996
Installing the New Main Tray Assembly
8 Reconnect the power cables and any other cables that you disconnected when
opening the workstation.
If you do not have a supported graphics adapter, connect your monitor’s 15-pin
connector to the 15-pin connector on the EVC adapter cable which came with
the upgrade kit. Connect the other end of the EVC adapter cable to the built-in
video connector on the rear of the system. Be sure to tighten the thumbscrews on
the connectors. Continue with step 9.
If you do have a supported graphics adapter, connect the 15-pin monitor connec-
tor directly to the connector on the graphics adapter. Skip to step 19.
9 Power on the monitor, the system, and any peripherals.
10 If your keyboard connects to the PS/2 connector on your system, wait 2 seconds
after the Num Lock light flashes near the end of the boot sequence, then press Tab
to initiate the automatic monitor selection process.
NOTICE: It takes approximately one to two minutes after powering on the
workstation before the Num Lock light flashes.
If you have a keyboard that connects to the HIL connector on your system, press
Tab every three seconds during the boot sequence to initiate the automatic mon-
itor selection process.