Establish the desired application rate based on lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. (Divide lbs. per acre by 43.6 to
convert to lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. or refer to conversion chart (Figure 2)).
Figure 2. Conversion Chart
44 87 131 174 218 261 305 348 392 436
4 48 91 135 179 222 266 309 353 396 440
9 52 96 139 183 227 270 314 357 401 444
13 57 100 144 187 231 274 318 362 405 449
17 61 105 148 192 235 279 322 366 409 453
22 65 109 152 196 240 283 327 370 414 457
26 70 113 157 200 244 287 331 375 418 462
30 74 118 161 205 248 292 335 379 423 466
35 78 122 166 209 253 296 340 383 427 470
39 83 126 170 213 257 301 344 388 431 475
Tenths of a Pound
Lbs/1000 sq.ft - to - Lbs/acre
PER 1000 sq.ft
A. After considering the site to be seeded (shape, soil texture, slope, obstacles, etc.), set your
tractor ground speed (MPH). Select a gear setting that will provide the desired MPH and
maintain a PTO speed between 500 and 600 RPM or as required for the degree of tillage
desired. The ground speed can be verified by determining the time required to travel a distance
of 200 ft. per the following speed/time chart:
Speed MPH Time Required
per 200’
Speed MPH Time Required
per 200’
Speed MPH Time Required
per 200’
2 ½ 55 sec 4 ½ 30 sec
1 2 min 16 sec 3 45 sec 5 27 sec
1 ½ 1 min 31 sec 3 ½ 39 sec 5 ½ 25 sec
2 1 min 8 sec 4 34 sec 6 23 sec
B. Fix the preliminary cam gauge setting for your selected seed using your best judgment.
C. Collect and weigh the seeder output for 1000 sq. ft.
a. Place seed in hopper with control lever closed.
b. Place empty container on one of the spouts to catch seed (To prevent loss of seed, block
off other spouts).
c. Start motor
d. After waiting 15 to 20 seconds, open the control lever for the time required to travel 200
ft. that corresponds with the set speed (see speed/time chart).
e. Close the control lever after it has been open the exact time required.
f. Weigh the collected seed and multiply times 23 for total output and compare to the
desired rate per 1000 sq. ft.
g. Adjust the cam gauge and repeat the procedure as required.