116 Command Line Interface
CIMSubscription command
Description Creates, edits, or removes CIM subscriptions.
Authority Admin session and a CIM Edit session.
create [subscription_name]
delete [subscription_name]
edit [subscription_name]
create [subscription_name]
Prompts you in a line-by-line fashion to create a CIM subscription with the name given by
[subscription_name]. [subscription_name] can have up to 32 characters: 0—9, A—Z, a—z, _, $,
^, and -. Table 30 describes the CIM subscription configuration parameters.
Table 30 CIM Subscription configuration parameters
Parameter Description
Name Subscription name
FilterID Event type for which the switch monitors and sends an indication to the CIM
client. The event types are as follows:
CreateComputerSystem — a switch is added to the fabric. This is the
ModifyComputerSystem — a switch state change
DeleteComputerSystem — a switch is removed from the fabric
CreateFCPort — not supported
ModifyFCPort — an FC port state change
DeleteFCPort — not supported
EnabledState Enable (True) or disable (False) the subscription. The default is True.
Duration Subscription life span in seconds. The subscription life span begins when
the subscription is created. Expired subscriptions do not send indications to
the CIM client though they remain in the CIM database. Values can be
1–720000. 0 indicates indefinite, which is the default.
delete [subscription_name]
Deletes the subscription given by [subscription_name] from the CIM database.
edit [subscription_name]
Opens an editing session in which you can modify the CIM subscription given by
[subscription_name]. Refer to Table 30 for a description of the CIM subscription configuration