
exposed to the air for 3 minutes after printing to allow the colors to fully develop before
you stack them with other photos or place them in albums.
Improve the quality of your photos
The printer includes an HP Real Life Technologies automatic photo enhancing feature
that will:
Sharpen blurred photos.
Improve the dark areas of a photo without affecting the light areas of the photo.
Reduce red-eye that can occur in photos taken with a flash.
Improve the overall brightness, color, and contrast of photos.
The automatic photo enhancing feature is turned on by default when you turn on the
printer. The Red Eye light is solid green when the feature is turned on. This feature affects
your prints only, not the original photos.
HP recommends leaving the automatic photo enhancing feature on, but if your photos do
not print correctly, or if you want to print a photo without the enhancements, turn it off.
To turn off the automatic photo enhancing feature, press OK. The Red Eye light turns
off. The feature remains off until you press OK again.
Chapter 3
12 Print basics