Introduction to HP PCL
14 HP DeskJet 600, 700, 800, 900 & HP 2000 Series PCL Developer’s Guide
Once an HP PCL command sets a parameter, that parameter will remain set until that HP PCL
command is repeated with a new value, the printer is reset to its user default environment, or
another command makes a change. For example, if you send the printer a command to set
line spacing to 3 lines/inch, each page will print 3 lines/inch until the printer receives a Line
Spacing or VMI command or the printer is reset.
5.2 Syntax of Escape Sequences
There are two forms of HP PCL escape sequences: two-character escape sequences and
parameterized escape sequences.
5.2.1 Two-Character Escape Sequences
Two-character escape sequences have the following form:
Esc X
Where "X" is a character that defines the operation to be performed. (Note, "X" may be any
character from the ASCII table within the range 48-126 decimal ["0" through "~"]).
Following are examples of two- character escape sequences:
Esc E a two-character escape sequence used for resetting the printer.
Esc 9 a two-character escape sequence used for resetting the left and right margins.
5.2.2 Parameterized Escape Sequences
Parameterized escape sequences have the following form:
Esc X y # z1 # z2 # z3 … # Zn[data]
Where y, #, zi (z1, z2, z3… ) and [data] may be optional, depending on the command.
X Parameterized Character - A character from the ASCII table within the range 33-47 deci-
mal ("!" through "/") indicating that the escape sequence is parameterized.
y Group Character - A character from the ASCII table within the range 96-126 decimal (" ' "
through "~") which specifies the group type of control being performed.
# Value Field - A group of characters specifying a numeric value. The numeric value is rep-
resented as an ASCII string of characters within the range 48-57 decimal ("0" through "9") that
may be preceded by a + or - sign and may contain a fractional portion indicated by the digits
after a decimal point (.). Numeric value fields are within the range -32767 to 32767. If an
escape sequence requires a value field and a value is not specified, a value of zero is