2 The control panel
Control panel default touch screen
Control panel default touch screen
The touch-screen graphical display is divided into four sections: Original, Image Modification, Copy, and the
Send Options button.
The Original section on the touch screen allows you to describe the characteristics of the original document.
The Original section is divided into three components that describe the original being copied:
l Page orientation icon: Shows how the original should be placed on the glass or in the ADF. The paper size
is auto-detected by the product when placed on the glass or in the ADF. You can override the auto-detect
function by touching the Describe Original button and changing the size.
l Describe Original button: Displays and changes the description of the original document.
l Original page icon: Displays the current settings in a graphical representation.
Image modification
You can adjust the contrast and reduce or enlarge the image in this section of the graphical display. When
touched, the Enhance button exposes additional options for image modification.
Original section
Copy section
Send Options
Image modification
Page orientation icon
Describe Original
Original page icon
Copy page icon
Copy Settings