
Display/video High performance video: Accelerated local-bus video with 32-bitBLT
Memory: 1-MB display RAM - not upgradeable
Video Graphics Controller: Chips and Technology 65545 chip
External video resolution : Supports VGA/SVGA external monitors with up to 1024
x 768 x 256 colors in noninterlaced mode. Resolution options:
640 X 480 X 16, 256, 32,000; or 64,000 Colors
800 X 600 X 16 or 256 Colors
1024 X 768 X 16 or 256 Colors
Auto detection of external monitor without rebooting
Note: Includes option to simultaneously display external video and
notebook display.
TFT Display Quality
TFT display manufacturing is a high precision but imperfect technology and
manufacturers cannot currently produce large displays that are cosmetically perfect.
Most if not all TFT displays will exhibit some level of cosmetic imperfection. These
cosmetic imperfections may be visible to the customer under varying display
conditions and can appear as bright, dim or dark spots.
This issue is common across all vendors supplying TFT displays in their products and
is not specific to the HP OmniBook display.
The HP OmniBook TFT displays meet or exceed all TFT manufacturer's standards for
cosmetic quality of TFT displays. HP does not warrant that the displays will be free of
cosmetic imperfections.
TFT displays may have a small number of cosmetic imperfections and still conform to
the display manufacturers cosmetic quality specifications.
Here are some guidelines to use in determining what action to take on a customer
complaint of cosmetic imperfection in their TFT display:
1. The unit should be viewed in the customer's normal operating condition.
This means if the customer uses the unit predominately in DOS, or Windows, or in
some other application or combination of applications, that is where the determination
shall be made. Self test is not a normal operating condition and is not a sufficient tool
to interpret display quality.
2. In the customer's normal operating mode:
TFT Display Quality a. If 4 or more variant pixels appear clustered in the area approximated by a
thumbprint on the display surface, then the display should be considered for