10. When you finish with the debugging session, you can exit the debugger normally:
(gdb) q
The following modules in /dev/src/mysum have been fixed:
Remember to remake the program.
The debugger message lists the source files that you have changed during the
debugging session.
NOTE: You must rebuild the program after you use the fix command because
the changes you make are temporarily patched into the executable image. The
changes are lost when you exit the debugger or you load a different executable.
14.8 Inline Support
HP WDB enables you to debug inline functions in applications compiled with -g option.
To enable inline debugging in HP 9000 systems, the applications must be compiled
with the +inline_debug option (introduced in the A.03.65 and later versions of the
HP aC++ compiler). In Integrity systems, the applications that are compiled with -g
option support inline debugging by default and require no additional options. Compiler
versions A.06.02 and later support the inline debugging feature in Integrity systems.
14.8.1 Inline Debugging in HP 9000 Systems
To debug inline functions in HP 9000 systems, complete the following steps:
1. Compile the source files with the +inline_debug option.
For example:
/opt/aCC/bin/aCC -g +inline_debug test.c
2. Inline debugging is enabled by default. To explicitly enable or disable inline de-
bugging, complete either of the following steps before loading the application to
the debugger:
$ gdb --inline=<on/off> a.out
(gdb) set inline-debug <on/off>
150 HP-UX Configuration-Specific Information